
Pure CSS3 styled bread Crumbs for use in MediaWiki Article. Full support for FireFox, Chrome, Safari and part support for Opera, sadly no support for any versions of IE! Download from SourceForge.

Installation Basics

Download and extract the file(s) in a directory called Crumbs in your extensions/ folder.

Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php:

 require_once( "$IP/extensions/Crumbs/Crumbs.php" );

Vector Edit

Find the following (around line 73);

$out->addModuleStyles( $styles );

And directly below paste;

$out->addModuleStyles( 'ext.Crumbs' );

Post Install

Return to MediaWiki refresh the browser (Shift + Ctrl + R for Chrome and Firefox).

If there's a problem navigate to "Special:Version" on your Wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed. Problems are normally due to mistakes editing Vector!


Use Crumbs in Mediawiki articles using the following syntax.

		           <div class="item-wrap"> 
		              <div class="crumbs blue"> 
			         <div class="text">[[#|Article 1]]</div> 
				 <div class="text">[[#|Article 2]]</div> 
				 <div class="text current">[[#|Article 3]]</div> 
				 <div class="text">[[#|Article 4]]</div>
				 <div class="text">[[#|Article 5]]</div> 
				 <div class="text">[[#|Article 6]]</div> 
				 <div class="text">[[#|Article 7]]</div> 

Replace the # with a link to the Mediawiki content. You can also change "blue" to any of the following colours; orange, green, red, purple, pink or white.


Support, queries and questions requests via the contact page (above).